Y.A. Mazurenko, A.I. Gerasimchuk, V.P. Ovsiannikov
Chemical Vapour Deposition, Synthesis of Functional Materials (review)
Institute of general and inorganic chemistry NAS Ukraine, 32/34, Palladine Av., Kyiv-142, 03680
The fundamental method aspects of chemical vapor deposition (CVD) are considered. Development of this method, for last time gave rise to development of various its modifications essentially distinguishing it from classic variant. Into intercourse with those offers a generalized CVD processes scheme, that leagues all of these methods. Considered theoretical choice bases and synthesis precursors for CVD processes managing principle properties of functional materials, derivable by CVD method. Seen out method variants examination, their practical application and development perspective.
Optical and Operational Properties of Thin-Film Coatings Obtained by the Vacuum Evaporation of RE Fluorides
Physics-Chemical Institute NAS Ukraine,
86, Lyustdorfska
Str., Odessa, 65080,
E-mail: physchem@paco.net
2CCB "Arsenal",
8, Moskovska Str.,
Kyiv, 01010,
tel. 044-254-59-08, E-mail: pagor@ukrpost.net
Shevchenko Nayional University, 60, Volodymyrska
Str., Kyiv,
01003, E-mail: belmar@mail.kiev.ua
The regular research of binary and complex Rare Earths (RE) fluorides such as LnF3 (Ln = La÷Lu, Y, Sc) and LnF3-Ln'F3, LnF3-Ln'F3-MFx (M-s, d-metal) as prospective materials for creation of coatings with a low refractive index is carried out. The materials are synthesised by a method of sedimentation by H2F2 from water solutions with the following fluoridation and thermal treating. X-ray method, chemical analysis and diffuse reflection spectroscopy identify the materials. The thin-film coatings are put by methods of thermal vacuum evaporation on substrates from different materials. The refractive index of coatings lays in borders 1,44÷1,61 while factor of dispersion essentially changes depending on a nature RE being 2,2–2,5 % for ScF3 up to 0,03–0,12 % for EuF3. The crystal structure of fluorides in coatings essentially does not change in comparison with initial FFM, with exception of EuF3. The possible reasons of change of the composition and structure of EuF3 during evaporation are discussed. The optical and operational properties of coatings on a basis of RE fluorides (particularly YbF3) are essentially improved under action of the admixtures of other metals fluorides.
Ya.S. Budjak1, D.M. Freik2, L.I. Nykyruy2, L.Y. Mezhylovska2
Elements of the Theory to Crystals Kinetic Properties for the Solid State
University “Lvivska Polytehnika”, 12, Bandera Str., 79005, Lviv
2Physics-Chemical Institute at the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian
57, Shevchenko Str., 76000,
Influence of symmetry elements of variance low on kinetic properties anizotropic crystals are shown.
A. Popescu2, A. Buzdugan1, V. Dolghier3
Modeling of the As2(S, Se)3Sn0.1 Planar Waveguides Before and After Illumination
of Metrology, Automation & Scientific Research Work;
2Center of Optoelectronics, Institute of Applied Physics, Moldova;
3International Laboratory of High Temperature Superconductivity and
Solid State Electronics, 3/2,
Academiei Str., MD-2028, Chisinau, Moldova
Is studied the influence of the illumination to characteristics of the structure of the thin films of As2S3 and As2Se3 doped with 2% of tin. As a result of photostructural transformation under illumination the tin atoms change their valence from IV to II. In a like manner the illumination changes the coordination number of the tin atoms and that make the structure of the doped thin films more stable.
Non-Linear Electrical Characteristics of Composite Layers Conductor-Dielectric
National University,
tel.: (0562) 523581, (056) 7765426, E-mail: alexglot@mail.ru,
A current limiting phenomenon has been observed in a composite material graphite-polyethylene and was accompanied by the peak of current on the current-voltage characteristic. From the investigation of current on time and current on temperature relations one can see thermal nature of the phenomenon. Possible explanation of the effect is a destruction of some parallel conductive paths because of joule heating of them and, consequently, thermal bulk expansion of polyethylene. A simple quantitative model confirms the presence of current peak on voltage-current characteristic.
N.K. Kramar2, V.M. Kramar1, B.M. Nitsovych1
Calculations of Effective Masses of the Electrons and Holes in the Layer Semiconductor Crystal PbI2
National University, 2 Kotsyubinskogo Str., 58012, Chernivtsi, Ukraine
2Bukovinian State Institute of Economics and Finanses,1 Shterna Str.,58001,
Chernivtsi, Ukraine
The structure of the electrons energy bands in the layer semiconductor crystal PbI2 (2H-polytype) are calculated using the pseudopotential method. A calculation has been performed by use norm- conserving nonsocial “ab initio” pseudopotential by Bachelet-Hamann-Schlüter. Effects of the screening and correlation are taken into account. Effective masses of the electrons and holes were computed on the grounds of energies dispersion law. The presence of essential anisotropy of the electrons effective masses has been found, what is agreed with an experimental data.
B.Ê. Ostafiychuk1, ².Ì. Gasyuk1, Î.V. Kopaev1, V.Ì. Nadutov2, L.S. Yablon1
Influence of Neglegable Cationic
Substitutions on
Magnesium - Zinc Ferrites Magnetic Microstructure
Stefanyk Precarpathian University,
Shevchenko Str., 57,
metall-physics Institute
NAS Ukraine,
Av. Acad. Vernadskiy, 36, Kyiv, Ukraine
On the basis of given of thermomagnetic measurements and mossbauer spectroscopy the model of magnetic microstructure of magnesium-zinc ferrite is constructed. The influence of cation replacements with character of the located magnetic condition is shown. At stoichiometric structure of ferrite the located magnetic condition are identical among themselves, and the ferrite is by homogeneous magnetic system.
N.T. Gladkikh, V.I. Larin, O.P. Kryshtal
About Size Dependence of Nanoparticles Surface Energy
V.N. Karazin
Kharkiv National University, Physics Dep., Svobody Squ., 4, Kharkiv,
E-mail: Vitaliy.I.Larin@univer.kharkov.ua,
tel. 0572-457589
The analysis of experimental outcomes on study of surface properties of nanosized metal particles has been carried out. It has been shown that examination of evaporation kinetics of small particles in vacuum and measurement of their lattice parameter allows one not only to receive information about their surface energy, but also to spot parameters describing properties of a surface of such objects. We present results of the analysis of experimental outcomes on a size effect of wetting and show that these examinations allows us to receive information on a microparticle - substrate interphase energy.
V.R. Kopach, N.P. Klochko, G.I. Kopach, V.O. Novikov
Versus Voltage Characteristics of
Electrodeposited CIS Films
Technical University “Khark³v
Polytechnic Institute”,
21, Frunze Str. 61002 Khark³v,
Fax: 00-38-0572-400-601, E-mail: kopach@kpi.kharkov.ua
The purpose of carried out researches consisted in the determination of the preparation conditions for creation of thin film p-n junction on the base of electrodeposited copper indium diselenide (CIS) that possesses I-V characteristic similar to I-V characteristic of Shockley diode.
The influences of electrodeposition and following annealing conditions on the film I-V characteristics and types of the film conductivity were investigated by means of both characterioscope technique and hot-probe method. CIS film structure and chemical composition were studied by means of SEM, XRD, EDX as well as by laser mass-spectrometry method.
comparison of preparation conditions influence on electrical properties,
structure and chemical composition of investigated CIS films has shown, that
cathode electrodeposition under potentiodynamic regime from aqueous acidic
chloride electrolyte contained 0.9 mM CuCl, 4.5 mM InCl3
and 1.5 mM SeO2 (pH 1) at cathode potential ramped from -0.50 V
to - 0.85 V (vs. saturated Ag/AgCl reference electrode) at rate
0.5 mV/s allows to obtain approximately 1 mm
thick CIS films, in which p-CuInSe2 / n-CuIn3Se5
junctions with I-V characteristics similar to Shockley diode I-V characteristic
were arisen after CIS films annealing in an argon at 400oC during 1
I.N. Smolensky, N.E. Kotjuschko
Synthesis of the 1,2 - Epoksypropylderived Oxyethylmetacrylat Gel by
Means of Macroporos Spherons Epoksyding
State Technical Oil and Gas University, 15,
Karpatska Str.,
Ivano-Frankivsk-19, 76019, Ukraine, E-mail:
Aiming at the creation of multifunctional carries with the spacer function of biologically active substances and semiproducts of the sorbents synthesis for the liquid chromatography and chromatofocusing the thermocathalyst reaction of the gel spherons epoksiding by epichlorhydrin in the presence of alcloide metals was studied. Special methods of epoksyspherons with cynetically concentrated volume of 0.2¸1.3 mg-eqv./Gsorb. production were also developed.
M.Î. Galuschak2, A.D. Freik1, L.R. Pavlyuk2, V.V. Prokopiv1, V.M. Boychuk1
Defect Subsystem of Thallium Doped Lead Selenide
Stefanyk Prekarpathian University,
57, Shevchenko Str.,
Ivano-Frankivsk, 76000, Ukraine, E-mail: prk@pu.if.ua
State University of the oil and gas,
15, Karpatska Str., Ivano-Frankivsk, 76000, Ukraine
Is lead crystallo-quazychemistry calculation of an
equilibrium concentration of defects in electronic crystals PbSe, doped by
thallium. On the basis of comparison of experimental and theoretical results,
and also datas of the thermodynamic approaches, is spotted equilibrium constants
quazychemistry of responses of formation of vacancies of a seleniumand
interlattice of thallium
S.À. Nedilko, ².V. Golubeva, À.L. Moroz, Î.G. Zenjkovych, L.Ph. Nedilko
of Substitution of Different Types to Superconducted Properties
Pb-1212 Cupratus
Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Chemistry
64, Volodymyrska Str.,
01033, Ukraine,
Ceramic and single crystals of Pb-1212 phase of compositions: Pb0,73Cu0,27Sr2‑xY0,79Ca0,21+xCu2Oz and Pb0,73Cu0,27Sr2‑yCdyY0,79Ca0,21Cu2Oz (0 £x, y £0,5); Pb0,7Cu0,3Sr2Y1-xCa(Na)xCu2Oy (0,1£x £ 0,5) and Pb0,7Cu0,3Sr2Y1-xCu2Oy (0 £x £0,3); Pb1-xAxSr2Y0,55Ca0,45Cu2O7 (A = Cd, Ag, Zn, In: 0 £ x £ 0,5) were synthesized. Polycrystalline materials were obtained by precursor method and single crystals were grown by self-flax crystallization method. Materials obtained were studied by XRD technique, electron dispersion analysis, magnetic susceptibility and electroconductivity measurements. Correlations between superconducting properties and the nature of constituent cations were determined.
B.T. Boyko, G.S. Khrypunov, O.P. Chernykh
The Investigation of External
and Internal Parameters of the
Thin Film Solar Cells Based on CuGaSe2
Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnical Institute»,
21, Kharkiv, 61002
By computer processing of the experimental light voltage-ampere characteristics the research output and diode parameters of thin film solar cells on the base of CuGaSe2 was carried out. It was shown that reduction of the diode current saturation density and of series resistance and increasing of shunting resistance determinate the increasing of efficiency of solar cells with increasing of substrate temperature. The researches of spectral dependencies a of quantum efficiency factor have shown, that limitation of ZnO:Al/i-ZnO/CdS/CuGaSe2/Mo solar cell efficiency at a level 6,4% on a comparison with ZnO:Al/i-ZnO/CdS/CuIn0.71Ga0.29Se2/Mo solar cell with efficiency 12,3% is determined by a more intensive surface and volume recombination of non-equilibrium carriers generated by light.
Yu.G. Dobrovolskiy1, À.À. Ascheulov2
Features of a Construction and Technology Silicon p-i-n Photodiodes
Rytm”, Golovna Str., 246, Chernivtsi, 58032, tel. (03722) 4-26-13, 7-87-21, E-mail:
2Yuriy Fedjkovych Chernivtsi National University,
2, Kotsyubynskiy Str., Chernivtsy, 58012, tel. (0572) 53-06-27
In the paper the basic approaches to designing and manufacturing modern silicon p-i-n of photodiodes are submitted. The mechanisms are considered which influence on dark a current of photodiodes and the review of ways of reduction generation by a component dark of a current is made. The results of influence on crystals p-i-n of photo diodes of static electrical and magnetic fields of the certain geometry are given which are capable to increase time of life of the not basic carriers of a charge in these crystals.
Ì.². Dovgoshey, N.². Popovych, ².Å. Kacher
Mass-Spectrometer Examinations of Processes of Thermal and Laser Transpiration of ZnGa2S4 Crystals
at the Uzhgorod
National University,
Pidgirna Str., 46, Uzhgorod, 88000,
In the article reduced results of mass-spectrometer examination of processes thermal and laser transpiration of stiogallat zinc crystals ZnGa2S4. Is obtained, that the sublimation of a composition ZnGa2S4 begins at temperature 1030 Ê; the most intensive transpiration is observed at temperature, higher for 1250 Ê. Reaction heat of transpiration of a composition ZnGa2S4 is 138.2 kkal/mol. In mass spectrums of resultant of laser erosion are detected both one-charging ions all a builder of a composition, and polyatomic clusters of binary and triple builders of a pair.
R.Ya. Mykhailyonka, V.M. Klanichka, G.D. Mateik
Properties Both
Telluride-Gadoliniy Telluride,
and Lead
Institute at the Vasyl Stefanyk Prekarpathian University
57, Shevchenko Str., Ivano-Frankivsk, 76000, Ukraine
The dependence of specific electrical conductivity (s), efficient thermal electromotive force (a), and specific thermal capacity from composition of both solid solution PbTe-Gd2Te3 and PbTe-Tb2Te3 is investigated. The composition with optimal value of thermoelectric parameters is determined. Is propose the crystall-quasychemistry describe of defects subsystem of the bases matrix of solid solution.
of the Isolated Impurity of Hydrogen on Density of Electronic States
of Amorphous Semiconductor Si and Ge Films
Odessa Sea State Academy, 8, Didriksona Str., Odessa, 65029, Ukraine
The electron local densities of states for isolated mono-hydride in hydrogenated amorphous Si and Ge are calculated by the Green function technique using the one-electron tight binding Hamiltonian including all nearest-neighbour interactions. The structures of the hydrogenated amorphous solids are approximated by the Bethe lattice.
S.V. Kozytsky, O.A. Rimashevsky, T.Yi. Ches’ka
Electrical Property of ZnS, Obtained by S H S Method
Sea State Academy, 8, Didrikhsona Str., Odessa, 65029,
2I. Mechnikov National University, 2, Dvoryanska Str., Odessa,
65000, Ukraine
constant and
the polycrystalline samples of ZnS obtained by method of Self-Propagation
High-Temperature Syntes (SHS) was investigated with the frequency
Value of
not anyzotropy and depended on the density of the samples. These results were
explained in the frame of model where spherical pores of air were included into
the crystalline material. Conductivity of samples was satisfied of
Ostin-Mott’s law:
the same index
Its indicated that we had substantial disorder in SHS-ZnS due to
appearance of barriers as the result of deflection of steh³omerty and a lot of
oxygen into polycrystalls.
T.M. Melnichenko, V.I. Fedelesh, I.M. Jurkin, T.D. Melnichenko, V.M. Rizak
Pressure, Microhardness and Fluidity Limit
in the Chalcogenide Glasses
Uzhgorod National University, 54, Voloshin Str., Uzhgorod, 88015, E-mail : ipk@univ.Uzhgorod.ua
Through the data of elastic constants maximal internal pressure pim is calculated for chalcogenide glasses and fluidity limit sï . It was shown, that value of pim not correlates with microhardness H after Vikkers in all of glasses. Fluidity (plastic) limit sï more little then microhardness and maximal internal pressure pim. Elastic constants and fluctuation free volume parameters in observed glasses largely depend on mean coordination number Zñð
P.Ì. Fochuk, Î.Î. Korovyanko, Î.Å. Panchuk
Calculation of Introduction Constants of the Alloying Elements in CdTe
Chernivtsy National University, chemistry dep., 2, Kotsyubynskiy Str.,Chernivtsi, Ukraine
A short review of existing CdTe point defect structure models is proposed. Hall effect measurements at high temperature equilibrium under well-defined Cd/Te pressure, optimization of defect constants and In incorporation constant calculation were carried out. The criteria of optimization were charge carrier concentration defined from different dependencies. The average value for the In incorporation constant (973-1173 Ê) is KIn=5.6´039exp(-0,72 åÂ/kT). The optimized CdTe defect structure models built in the framework of Kreger’s quasichemical reaction theory illustrate good agreement between experimental and calculated dependencies both for undoped and In doped CdTe.
A.A. Ðtashchenko, O.S. Artemenko, F.A. Ptashchenko
Effect of Gas Atmosphere on the Surface Current in p–n Heterostructures on GaAs–AlGaAs
National University, 2, Dvoryanska Str., 65100, Odessa
2Odessa Sea State Academy, 8, Didrikhson Str., 65029, Odessa
The effect of vapours of water, ethylene, acetone and ammonia on I-V characteristics of the forward current of AlGaAs–GaAs double heterostructures (DHS) was investigated. The vapours of water, ethylene, and acetone did not remarkably change the surface current in DHS, while the ammonia vapours substantially increased it. The excess current caused by adsorption of NH3 molecules linearly depends on the voltage, which can be explained by forming of a conductive surface channel in the p-n junction. The kinetics of the surface current at changing gas atmosphere was studied. The rise-time of the current after placing DHS in the NH3 atmosphere ranged from 20 to 60s, while the decay time after subsequently replacing DHS in ear was 2 – 60 s. It is established that the surface current linearly depends on the NH3 partial pressure in the range of 102 – 104 Pà, which can be utilized for creating a sensor of this vapours.
Conduction Profile at the PbS Epitaxial Films
Institute at the Vasyl Stefanyk Prekarpathian University
57, Shevchenko Str., Ivano-Frankivsk, 76000, Ukraine
It is made mark of the conduction profile both p- and n-type PbS films by Petriz model.
I.F. Mironyuk1, V.V. Lobanov1, B.K. Ostafiychuk2, I.I. Grigorchak3, R.V. Ilnytskyy2
Electronic Structure and Properties of Titania Intercalated with Metalic Lithium
1Istitute of
Surface Chemistry NAS of Ukraine, 17, General Naumov Str., 03164, Kyiv, Ukraine
2Precarpathian University named after
V.Stefanyk, 57, Shevchenko Str., Ivano-Frankivsk, 76025, Ukraine
3Institute of Material Problems NAS of Ukraine, Lviv Department, 1, Paton Str.,
Lviv, 79000, Ukraine.
The electronic structure of the clusters simulating the state rutile and anatase intercalated with lithium atoms has been examined within the frameworks of SCF MO LCAO NDDO valence approximation. Basing on the examination of local density states, a conclusion has been made on the unchanged structure of rutile and anatase energy zones under embedding small quantities of lithium atoms into them.
I.M. Ivanyshyn, L.Y. Mezhylovska, V.V. Boryk
Defects in Nonstoichiometric Tin Telluride at Tetra- and Octahedral Situations of Indium
Institute at the Vasyl Stefanyk Prekarpathian University
57, Shevchenko Str., Ivano-Frankivsk, 76000, Ukraine
The relation of a defects formation of the solid solution SnTe-In versus a dose of dopant impurity is investigated. The crystalloquasichemical mechanism of solid solutions formation is proposed. Correlation between the hole concentration, number of point defects in the compounds and nature of defect formation processes was found. The concentration dependences of charge carriers and point defects are constructed
S.S. Lisniak, A.V. Bitneva, V.O. Kotsubunskiy, I.P. Yaremiy, G.V. Muhin
Crystaloquasichemical Mechanism of Adsorbtion From the Solutions and Gas on the Surface of Solid Like Spinel and Garnet
Stefanyk Precarpation University,
Shevchenko Str, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
In the article the crystaloquasichemical mechanism of adsorbtion from the solutions and gas on the surface of solid like spinel and garnet has been studied. The theoretical model of surfaced active centres of adsorbtion and their dependent from charge state of cation has been proposed.