Elements of theory of the thermodynamics and kinetics properties of the crystals
J.S.Budjak1, D.M.Freik2, L.I.Nykyruy2, L.Y.Mezhylovska2
1State University “Lvivska Polytehnika”, 79005, Lviv, Bandera
str., 12
2Physics and chemistry institute at the Precarpathian University named by
V.Stefanyk, 76025, Ivano-Frankivsc, Shevchenko str., 57
The computation of the important thermodynamics and kinetics properties of crystals with arbitrary carrier scattering and laws of dispersion both at the ohming and nonquantum magnetic fields are substantiated.
Crystallographical method of computation of mutual solid solubility limits sphalerite and chalcopyrite phases on the CuGaSe2- ZnSe system example
L.V. Sysa, I.D. Olekseyuk, V.O. Halka, O.V. Parasyuk
Volynskiy State University, Voly avn., 13, 43009, Lutsk
We suggested the half-quantitative (empirical) method of calculation of solid solubility regions in two-components system, which is formed with chalcopiryte and sphalerite structure phases. Took place the comparing of experimental and calculated data with the CuGaSe2–ZnSe system example.
Hydrophobic and hydrophilic properties of partially trimethylsilylated silica surface
I.F.Mironyuk, V.V.Lobanov, V.M.Ogenko
National Academy of Science, Institute Chemistry of surface, Nauky avn., 31, 03039, Kiev-39
Hydrophobic and hydrophilic properties of partially trimethylsilylated silica have been analyzed in terms of near-surface distribution of molecular electrostatic potential. The initial stages of silylating have been shown to cause some growth in surface hydrophility. The following occupation of the surface by trimethylsilylic groups results in more and more increase of its hydrophobicy. In the subsurface layer of the totally trimethylsilylated silica there are only small compact regions of negative potential values that provide its slight proton acceptor capability.
Crystallochemistry of the intrinsic defects in the films of lead chalcogenides with taking into account the mechanical stresses and the kind of substrates
B.M.Ruvinskii, D.M.Freik, M.A.Ruvinskii
Physics and chemistry institute at the Precarpathian University named by V.Stefanyk, 76025, Ivano-Frankivsc, Shevchenko str., 57
The influence of isotropic deformational effects and partial pressures of componets created under evaporation of lead chalcogenides’ weight near to the different substrates on the defect-formation process in films at vapor-phase epitaxy has been considered for the first time.
Electronic-adsorption characteristics of holmium films, adsorbed on rhenium crystal (1010) face
L.P. Zadorozhnyj, S.I. Stepanovskyj, Z.V.Stasyuk
Lviv State University named by I. Franko, department of general physics, Ukraine, 79005, Lviv, Dragomanov str., 50
Using contact potential difference method the changes of work function
Ō and binding energy q of holmium atoms, adsorbed on the rhenium crystal surface in wide adsorbate concentratin n and substrate temperature T intervals were investigated. It was shown that electronic adsorption properties of holmium films on Re(1010) are different from those of adsorption systems Ho-W(112) and Ho-Mo(112), in spite of in practice identic geometric structure of Re(1010), W(112) and Mo(112) surfaces. Experimental results are explained on the base of ideas about the role of exchange interaction in formation of total binding energy of adatom on surface and existance of partially filled surface electronic states, which define exchange interaction characteristics.P.I. Melnyk*, A.V. Kramar**, V.M. Kramar**
*Precarpathian University named by V.Stefanyk, 76025, Ivano-Frankivsc, Shevchenko str., 57
**Chernivtsi State university named by Yu. Fedckovych, Chernivtsy, UkraineOn the basis of performances
about existence of surface states in chips is given interpretation of the gear of formation of a limiting seam in lubricating liquids, which one will be used for elimination of dry friction between surfaces of parts of gears.
Sizes effects at the monocrystalle films of n-PbTe
Precarpathian University named by V.Stefanyk, 76025, Ivano-Frankivsc, Shevchenko str., 57
The method of separating of the share of surface and volume electronscattering on size effect of resistivity and Hall factor of PbTe monocrystalline films was proposed. The ratio which are received allow quantitatively to estimate ss
,sb and RHs , RHb.Defects gettering for epitaxial silicon structures by the mechanical treatment and heavily doped diffusion layer
I. L. Piatak and M. I. Dovgoshey
Uzhgorod State University, 88000, Uzhgorod, Voloshyn str., 54
Two methods for defects minimization in crystalline silicon - by introduction of stress into the back face of the wafer under mechanical treatment and with the help of heavily doped diffusion layer - have been investigated experimentally under full-scale production conditions. The conditions for the mechanical treatment of silicon wafers resulting in the formation of the gettering layer that allows several times reduction for the number of dislocations and packing defects in the epitaxial structures produced on these substrates have been suggested. It has been shown that one- to two-fold decrease in density of the structural defects can be obtained by the drive-in of the phosphorus atoms up to the concentration of 1019 cm-3.
Thermoelectric properties and crystal chemistry of the defective subsystem of solid solutions on the PbS basis
.².Zapukhlyak, V.Ģ.Schperun, ².Ģ.Ivanyschyn, R.Ya.Mychaylyonka, M.V.PytsB.K.Ostafiychuk, R
Physics and chemistry institute at the Precarpathian University named by V.Stefanyk, 76025, Ivano-Frankivsc, Shevchenko str., 57
The relation of electrical conductivity (s ), factor thermo-e.d.f. (a ) and thermoelectric power (a 2s ) of the solid solutions PbS-Tl, PbS-TlS and PbS-Tl2S from a structure is investigated. It is crystalling kvazychemistry the description of the defective subsystem of the basic matrix of solid solutions. The structures are established, which one are characterized by maximum ratings of thermoelectric parameters.
Investigation of deformation effects in IV-VI on BaF2 epitaxial layers: influence on band structure
V.S. Yakovyna
State University “Lvivska Polytehnika”, 79005, Lviv, Bandera str.,
On the example of the PbTe and Pb0.787Sn0.213Te on BaF2 the possibility of using the weak magnetic field resistance technique for the evaluation of mismatch-thermally induced strains and corresponding changes of band structure in multivalley semiconductors is discussed. Strain value and strain relaxation dynamics after many temperature cycles between room temperature and 77K have been investigated for n- and p- PbTe and PbSnTe epitaxial layers on BaF2 substrates.
Heating effect on the structure and conductivity thin films Me-Ge-REM
O.G. Mykolajchuk, A.S. Bajtsar, B.P. Yatsyshyn*
Lviv National University named by I. Franko, department physics of the
metals, Ukraine, 79005, Lviv Sity, Kyrylo and Mefodiy str., 8
*Lviv Comercial Academy, department of the chemistry and physics, 79008, Ukraine,
Tugan-Baranovscy str., 10
Structure, temperature and kinetics of amorphous-crystalline transformation, temperature dependences of the conductivity have been studied in Me (Me: Fe,Co,Ni)-Ge- (0,1-2) w.%Hf thin films. Electron microscopy and electron diffraction studies show that the usage of additions lead to the changing of structure and electrical properties.
Dispersion properties of thin Sc2O3 and Y2O3 films
Lviv State University named by I. Franko, physics department, Ukraine, 79005, Lviv 5, Dragomanov str., 50
The dispersion of light in thin Sc2O3 and Y2O3 are investigated. The dispersion curve is mainly due to transitions from the top of the valence band formed by 2p-states of oxygen to the bottom of the conduction band formed by 3d4s-states of scandium and 4d5s-states of yttrium respectively. Parameters of the one-oscillator approximation are determined, the dispersion energy and ionicity are calculated.
N.Mateleshko, M.Veres, V.Mitsa, T.Melnichenko, I.Rosola
Uzhgorod State University, Department of Solid State Electronics, 32 Voloshin str., 294000 Uzhgorod, Ukraine e-mail: mitsa@univ.uzhgorod.ua
A low-frequency (LF) Raman spectra of As2S3 glasses, prepared at different temperatures of melts (Ti) and different rates of cooling (Vj) and Raman spectra of binary glasses AsXS1-X, prepared at optimal conditions are given. A relation between reduced intensity of LF maxims and slope of high-frequency part of LF spectra of As2S3 glasses on temperature of melt and rate of cooling are revealed. In framework of fractal approximation a spectral dimension (df) was calculated. It is sensitive to the conditions of preparing of As2S3 glasses. A spectral dimension of fractals was determined by independent way from concentration dependence of ultrasound velocity of AsXS1-X glasses. A dependence of intensity of density of states and free volume on average coordination number of AsXS1-X glasses are revealed.
Band structure and scattering mechanism in the crystals of n-PbSe at the 77K
D.M.Freik, L.I.Nykyruy, V.M. Klanichka, V.M.Shperun, R.I.Sobckovych, O.Ya. Dovgij
Physics and chemistry institute at the Precarpathian University named by V.Stefanyk, 76025, Ivano-Frankivsc, Shevchenko str., 57
Is investigated the main mechanismes of carrier scattering in the crystals of n-PbSe at the 77 in the concentration interval 1016-1020 cm-3 with parabolic and nonparabolic laws of the disperssions.
Peculiarities of polymorph transition and electric physical properties of double orthophosphates of molybdenum (III)
V.V.Lisnyak, N.V. Stoos, N.S. Slobodyanik
Kiev National University named by Taras Shevchenko, Ukraine, 0017 Kiev, Volodymyrsca str., 64
Processes of phase formation and polymorphs at double orthophosphates of molybdenum (III) row with composition M13
Ģī²²²2(PO4)3 (M1-Li,Na,K) have been investigated. Relation of chemical composition with crystal structure and electrical and physical properties of materials was considered.Equilibrium concentration of defects in the lead selenide crystals
M.J.Galushchak*, L.R.Pavlyuk**, V.V. Prokopiv**, G.D. Mateik*, V.V. Boryk**
*Ivano-Frankivsk technical University of the oil and gas, 76000,
Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
** Physics and chemistry institute at the Precarpathian University named by V.Stefanyk,
76025, Ivano-Frankivsc, Shevchenko str., 57
The due of equilibrium function of the defects
concentrations ,
Chemical etching of cadmium telluride and based on it solid solution single crystals in the solutions of the HNO3-HCl-tartric acid system
Ye. O. Bilevych, V.M.Tomashik, Z,F.Tomashik, S.G.Danylenko
Institute physics of semicondactors of the NAC Ukraine, Kiev-28, Nauki avn.,41
The chemical dissolution of CdTe, Cd0,72Zn0,28Te and Cd0,22Hg0,78Te solid solutions and Te in the solutions of the HNO3-HCl-tartric acid system is investigated. The surfaces of equal etching rates (Gibbs diagrams) are constructed, kinetics of dissolution are investigated and region of polishing solutions are determined. The etching solutions for surface treatment of cadmium telluride and solid solutions on its base are specified.
Influencing of ultra-violet lighting on frame and properties of modified film covers
.². DomanzevychN
Lviv Comercial Academy, department of the chemistry and physics, 79008, Ukraine, Tugan-Baranovscy str., 10
It is shown, the lead in polymere films a NDA-ingibitor and ultraviolet irradiation following is reduce to the destruction of protective roofing and decrease of protective properties, through increase crystal mode and slow down of its growth next.
I. Kaban (1) and W. Hoyer (2)
(1) Precarpathian University, UKRAINE
(2) Technische Universität Chemnitz, GERMANY
Binary metallic melts with limited mutual solubility of the components in the solid state have been investigated. It was established that all investigated alloys are micro-inhomogeneous at a microscopic level in the liquid state. Structural units for Ga-Sn, Ga-In, Ge-Sn and Bi-Sn liquid alloys have been defined. It was shown that mutual solubility of the components in the liquid state remains the same as in the solid state at the eutectic temperature.
The formation of frame and physico-chemical property of a titanium, is diffusive by saturated iron
P.I. Melnyk, R.M. Fedorak, I.Y. Perkatyuk
Physics and chemistry institute at the Precarpathian University named by V.Stefanyk, 76025, Ivano-Frankivsc, Shevchenko str., 57
The results of researches of the formation structures of titanium at the diffusive by saturated of iron in a mode thermo-cyclical processing in temperature range 850–950° C with a point of polymorphs transformation of titanium (882° C) is shown. It is investigated physical and chemical properties of titanium after the aforesaid thermo-chemical treatment and wear, oxidation stability both.
The dependence of the photoparameters of resistors on
the bases of layed
n-PbTe from its obtained of technological factors
A.M. Dobrovolska*, V.M. Chobaniuk**, I.M. Rarenko***
*Ivano-Frankivsk State Medical Academy, Galytska str., 2,
Ivano-Frankivsc, 76000, Ukraine
** Precarpathian University named by V.Stefanyk, 76025, Ivano-Frankivsc, Shevchenko str.,
*** Chernivtsi State university named by Yu. Fedckovych, Chernivtsy, Ukraine
The aim of this work is studying the influence of the technological factors of the growth of n-PbTe epitaxial layers obtained from vapour phase by hot wall method on the main photoelectric parameters of the resistors made on their base. The technological factors when investigated paremeters actieve the optimal values have been established.
The dependece of electrical properties of PbSe thin films at the poliamide substrate from its obtained of technological factors
A.M. Dobrovolska**, M.A. Lopianko*, L.Y. Mezhylovska*, R.I. Zapukhlyak*
*Precarpathian University named by V.Stefanyk, 76025, Ivano-Frankivsc,
Shevchenko str., 57
**Ivano-Frankivsk State Medical Academy, Galytska str., 2, Ivano-Frankivsc, 76000, Ukraine
One of the perspective ways of obtaining the qualitative thin-layer materials on the base of structures AIVBVI is a method of a hot wall [1-3]. It is experimentally established [1-3] that the properties of thin layers obtained by this method determine the temperature of substrates, evaporator and walls of the chamber. However it is defined that the variation of one of the factors of the technological process at a constant values of the other ones does not allow to establish their relative influence on the physical characteristics of PbSe layers [4]. The dependence of the electrical properties of the PbSe thin layers obtained from the vapour phase on the technology factors has been studied by the method of mathematical planning Selection of the poliamide as a substrate conditioned by the special physics-chemical and mechanical properties of this material.
Features of implementation of the composite defective subsystem in monohalkogenides of lead
D.M. Freik*, M.O. Galuschak**, L.P. Pavlyuk*, O.V. Kozych*, G.D. Mateik**
*Physics and chemistry institute at the Precarpathian University named
by V.Stefanyk, 76025, Ivano-Frankivsc, Shevchenko str., 57
**Ivano-Frankivsk technical University of the oil and gas, 76000, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
The capability of simultaneous formation single-shot and two-charging defects both in a metallical sublattice at the lead halkogenides is analised. The changes of aircraft attitude of defects of the subsystem under influencing of technology factors in a method of a two-temperature annealing are investigated.
The influence of the epitaxy regime on magnetic microstructure YIG film transition layers
B.K.Ostafiychuk, V.M.Tkachuk, V.M.Pilipiv
Precarpathian University, Department of the material science and newest technology Shevchenko Str.57, 76000 Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, E-mail:
valeriy@pu.if.uaThe influence of substrate rotation during different stages of epitaxy on the peculiarities of the surface layer formation has been analyzed. In this article have been show that YIG films are not homogeneous in concentration and micromagnetic viewpoint. Noncontrolled inculcation of the impure atoms at the epitaxy final stage is maximum and are resulting in formation the noncollinear magnetic structure. The results have been obtained by CEMS method and confirmed by dates of inductive-frequency temperature measurements.
Calculation of equilibrium constants quasichemistry of reactions of formation of own nuclear defects in of lead halcogenides on the basis of an experimental data about limits of area of a homogeneity
V.V. Prokopiv, M.V. Pytz
Physico-chemical institute at Precarpathian university by V Stefanyk, Ivano-Frankivsk, 76025, Ukraine
It is updated values of equilibrium constants of the quasichemistry reactions formation of own nuclear defects in lead halcogenides PbX (X – S, Se,Te) on the basis both of theoretical calculates with statistics of ungenerate semiconductors and a
pproaching experimental results of limits area homogeneity determination of the theoretical models. The temperature relation of the gap width and effective mass both and being of weight holes at the lead halcogenides are a allowed.