D.M. Freik, B.P. Yatsyshyn
Technological Aspects Nanoclusters and Nanocrystal Structures
Physics and Chemistry of Solid State Department, ‘Vasiliy Stefanyk’ Precarpathian National University,
201, Galytska Str.,
Ivano-Frankivsk, 76000, Ukraine, E-mail:ecofizbo@lac.lviv.ua
The use of nanostructure materials did large payment in science and substantially changed opinion about the change of properties of materials in dependence on their sizes. Forming of nanostructure causes on the fundamental changes of magnetic, electric and mechanical properties, that is used for creation of instruments of microelectronics. Separate direction of development of elements of microelectronics arose up at the use of nanostructure materials which are arranged from conducting and non-conducting component, combine phases with the different magnetic regulating, contain it is oriented the placed particles or nanoconductors. Absence of classification and technological descriptions of receipt of nanomaterials draws disagreements in interpretation of their basic properties. Classification of nanomaterials, suitable for the use in technologies of a vacuum causing is given in this review.
Keywords: nanostructure, thin films, amorphous materials.
Z.I. Zakharuk, A.I. Rarenko, E.V. Rybak, M.L. Koval’chuk, I.M. Yuriychuk
Peculiarities of CdTe, CdMnTe and CdZnTe Single Crystal Crystallization
Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, 2 Kotsjubynskyi Str., Chernivtsi 58012,
Tel. +380-372-584893, e-mail:microel@chnu.cv.ua
The influence of crystallization conditions on CdTe, Cd1-xMnxTe, Cd1-xZnxTe single crystal structures is investigated. An optimal form of the ampoule for various size crystal growth is determined. It is shown that using crystallization heat of the material, placed between the walls of special form ampoule, one can change the shape of solid-melt interface.
Keywords: CdTe, solid solutions, growth, single crystal, crystallization, solid-melt interface.
I.M. Gasyk, L.S. Kaykan, T.V. Grabko
Influence of Mg-Substitution and Condition of Thermal Treatment on
Conductivity Property of Iron-Lithium Spineless
Vasyl Stefanyk' Precarpathian National University, 57 Shevchenko Str., Ivano-Frankivsk, 76000, Ukraine
By the method of impedance spectroscopy the conducting and dielectric properties of synthesized by the ceramic method of Mg-substituted for Li-Fe spineless were explored under the different conditions. Preliminary impedance characterization was carried out for capacitors system graphite/investigation materials/graphite. In the paper a higher chemical stability and higher conductivity was achieved by rapid cooling was shoved.
Keywords: impedance spectroscopy; Li-Fe spineless; conductivity.
V.M. Rubish
Peculiarities of Obtaining and Crystallization of Glasses on Basis Antimony Sulphoiodide
Uzhgorod Scientific-Technological Center of the Institute for Information Recording NASU,
88000 Uzhgorod, 4 Zamkovi Skhody Str.
In SbSI-As2S3 and SbSI-GeS2 systems, alloys with considerable content of antimony sulphoiodide were obtained by way of sharp hardening of glassy state melt. The structure of glasses and its changes depending on heat treatment regime were studied. It was determined that all glassy alloys have microheterogeneous structure. The structure of phase emerging in glass matrix of mentioned systems during their crystallization corresponds to the structure of crystalline antimony sulphoiodide.
B.K. Ostafiychuk, V.M. Pylypiv, V.D. Fedoriv, V.O.Kotsyubynsky, O.O. Grygoruk
Radiation Defect Formation Characteristics in Phosphorus Implanted Surface Layers of Yttrium Iron Ferrite-Garnet Films
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathion National University,
57 Shevchenko Str., Ivano-Frankivsk, 76000, Ukraine
Radiation defects generation processes in phosphorus implanted (E = 65 kåV, D = 5·1014, 1,8·1015, 1·1016 ñm-2) epitaxial yttrium iron garnet films on the base of Mëssbauer spectroscopy and simulation of implantation are investigated. The mechanisms of crystal and magnetic microstructure’s transformation are considered.
Keywords: yttrium iron garnet, ion implantation, radiation defects, Mëssbauer spectroscopy.
P.O. Gentsar, O.I. Vlasenko, O.V. Stronski
Optical and Physical Phenomena in Subsurface Layer a-ZnP2
Institute of Semiconductor Physics after V.E.Lashkaryov NAS Ukraine, 03028,
Prospect Nauki 41, e-mail:gentsar@isp.kiev.ua
The electroreflectance spectra of a-ZnP2 with the specific resistance r = 103-104 ohm.cm were investigated using the electrolytic method in the energy range 1,3-5 eV, at temperature 273-315 Ê as in non-polarized light, as well at polarization vectorsand
. It was shown, that the most long wavelength band is placed near hw = 2,634 eV (Ò = 300 Ê) and corresponds to the first direct allowed transitions Å0. The energies of the more high-energetic transitions consists 3,03; 3,25; 3,55; 3,8; 4,2; 4,5 eV. The weak electroreflectance peak near 2,08 eV, which is registered in the small quantity of the measured samples is determined by the indirect transitions, enhanced by the exciton interaction, which are pronounced in the electroreflectance spectra due to light reflection from backside of the sample. The temperature dependence of Å0 in the region 273-315 Ê consists from two parts , using the slopes of which the temperature coefficients dE0/dT were determined. For the first part dE0/dT = (– 6,5 ± 0,2)·10-4 eV/Ê, for the second which begins at Ò = 295 Ê dE0/dT = 4,579·10-4 eV/Ê. The change of dE0/dT at Ò = 295 Ê is connected with the phase transition of the commensurable - non-commensurable phase in the crystalline structure a-ZnP2 with the creation of solitons. The contribution of the intraband polarization of the electrons of the considered critical points of the zone structure of a–ZnP2 into non-linear optical susceptibility of the third order was estimated as c(3) = De1(0)/4pF2 = 2.10-18 ì2.Â-2.
G.A. Sukach1, V.V. Kidalov2, Y.I. Yatsenko3
Ultraviolet Luminescence of ZnO:P Layers of p-Type Grown by Radical-Beam Gettering Epitaxy
1State University of Information and Communication Technologies, 7, Solomyanska str., Kyiv, 03110,
2Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, 4, Shmidt str., Berdyansk, 71100, Ukraine
3Odessa National I.I. Mechnikov University, 2, Dvoryanska str., Odessa, Ukraine
In the works it is shown, that ion implantation of phosphorus in ZnO monocrystal with postimplantation annealing in the flow of atomic nitrogen promote formation of p-type ZnO surface layers characterized by intensive ultraviolet excitonic luminescence with maximum at 3.3. eV. The hole mobility is 15 cm/V*c (determined by Hall method).
B.K. Ostafijchuk1, P.S. Kosobutskyy2, A. Morgulis3, O.P. Kushnir4
Applied Aspects of Surface Films Spectroscopy by Method of Fabry-Perot Envelope Interferograms
1Vasyl Stefanyk Prekarpathian University, Shevchenko str., 57, Ivano-Frankivsk, 76025, Ukraine
2Lviv Polytechnic National University, Bandera Str. 12, Lviv, 79646, Ukraine
3City University of New York, 199, Chambers Str., New York 10007, USA
4Lviv State Agrarian University, V.Velikogo Str. 1 , Dubljany, Lviv region, 80381, Ukraine
The algorithm of parameters definition of transparent plane-parallel single-layered structure on a substrate surface is generalized by the analysis of formation regularities of Fabry-Perot amplitude-phase spectra’s envelope functions in any geometry of experience and a flat electromagnetic wave polarization mode.
A.F. Butenko, S.N. Fedosov, O.E. Sergeeva
Thermally Stimulated Depolarization Currents in Corona Poled P(VDF-TFE) Copolymer
Department of Physics, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, ul. Kanatnaya 112,
65039, Odessa, Ukraine, tel. 380 482 291180, e-mail:fedosov@optima.com.ua
Relaxation currents in corona poled P(VDF-TFE) copolymers have been measured over the temperature range of 10...120 îC on samples stored after poling for either one day, or 16 months using both the short circuit and the open circuit modifications of the thermally stimulated depolarization current technique. It has been found that the separation of current peaks with time was caused by relaxation of two components of the remanent polarization, namely the electret and the ferroelectric ones. Theoretical treatment of the space charge peaks based on the stretch exponential approximation confirmed the high stability of the trapped space charges. Experimental evidence has been obtained for the presence of two kinds of the compensating charges.
D.M. Freik, B.S. Dzundza
Influence of Structural Completeness of Lead Selenideu Films on the Current Carrier Scattering Mechanisms
Sub-Faculty of the Physics and Chemistry of Solid State Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University,
Shevchenko Str., Ivano-Frankivsk, 76000, Ukraine, E-mail:fcss@pu.if.ua
Dependence of kinetic coefficients of PbSe films, grown from a steam phase on the mica and BaF2 from a thickness, are research. It is shown, that if for the inlaid films characteristic of diffuse current carrier scattering on a surface, for monocrystalline is a - mirror. Within the framework of Petritz model there are defined values of near-surface which are enriched by acceptor centers due to influencing of oxygen atmospheric.
M.A. Lopjanko, R.I. Nykyruy
The Calculation of Technology Parameters of Gas-Dynamical Steam of
Stream of Nano-Structured CdS, CdSe, CdTe
Physical-Chemical Institute at the Vasyl Stefanyk PreCarpathian National University,
57, Shevchenko Str.,
Ivano-Frankivsk, 76000, Ukraine, E-mail:freik@pu.if.ua
There are shown dependence of the thermal-dynamical parameters of the gas-dynamical steam of stream at the linear temperature gradient along cylinder channel of chamber. The dependence of the Makh number, efficient, and the result velocity of condensation, density of the steam of stream, steam pressure, temperature, expend actions, range of satiety of the cadmium chalkogenides from the temperature of evaporated material, and temperature gradient along chamber walls, and Dimensionless coordinate for reception of more perfect structure.
V.I. Boichuk, V.B. Holskyi
Influence of the Form Nanocrystal on a Energy Spectrum Particle in the
Tunel-bound Quantum Dots
Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University. Department of theoretical physics
24 Franko St.,
Drohobych UA–82100, Lviv Region, Ukraine
In this work the problem of finding of particle energy spectrum in cylindrical- and cubic-shaped QD is solved. The analysis of the influence of the shape of nanocrystal of energy spectrum of the charge in tunel-bound QDs is performed for the first time. QDs of spherical, cylindrical and cubic shape are considered.
Keywords: the tunel-bound quantum dots, energy spectrum of a quasi-particle.
B.M. Ruvinskii1, M.A. Ruvinskii2
Attenuation and Amplification of Hypersound by Inelastic Transitions of
Electrons in Rectangular Quantum Wire
1Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas,15, Carpatska Str., Ivano-Frankivsk, 76000, Ukraine
2Vasyl Stefanyk' Precarpathian National University, 57 Shevchenko Str., Ivano-Frankivsk, 76000, Ukraine
The attenuation of hypersound has been calculated and the possibility of hypersonic amplification along the axis of a rectangular quantum wire has been elucidated owing to the inelastic transitions between the different states of transverse electronic motion. The degree of inverse population by electrons of two different lowest quantum "channels" when the amplification of sound by electrons of higher channel has exceeded the weaking of sound in the basic channel has been determined. As shown, the hypersonic amplification at rather low temperatures of wire is even possible at absense of the inverse population. The numerical results have been presented for the GaAs wire with the cross-sectional dimensions: 28,3Å×56,6Å, 50Å×150Å, 50Å×200Å, 100Å×200Å.
M.A. Ruvinskii1, B.M. Ruvinskii2
Landau-Rumer Process and Two-phonon Decay of Hypersonic Quanta in
Rectangular Quantum Wire
1Vasyl Stefanyk' Precarpathian National University,
57 Shevchenko Str., Ivano-Frankivsk, 76000, Ukraine
2Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas,
15, Carpatska Str., Ivano-Frankivsk, 76000, Ukraine,
For the case of rectangular quantum wire the mechanisms of Landau-Rumer process and two-phonon decay of sound quanta have been considered. The attenuation coefficients for the confined acoustic phonons of the lowest hybrid width mode of hypersound in a free-standing GaAs wire with different cross-sectional dimensions have been calculated. The comparison of the phonon and electron mechanisms of hypersonic attenuation into rectangular wire and infinite solid is carried out. In a limiting case of low temperatures the accounting of cubic anharmonism in wire leads to the exponential temperature dependence of hypersonic attenuation for Landau-Rumer process and dominant attenuation by the decay process with degree reduction of its frequent dependence. At sufficiently high temperatures the phonon mechanism of hypersonic attenuation exceeds the electron mechanism in a nondegenerate quantum wire.
P.A. Kondratenko1, Yu.M. Lopatkin2, T.N. Sakun3
Relaxation Processes in the High-Excited Molecules of Resazurin
1National Aviation University,
2RI of physics of the Odessa National I.I. Mechnikov University)
On the ground of the experimental and theoretical investigations of the dyes molecules relaxation from the high-excited states it is shown, that the relaxation process occurs at participation of all molecule electronic states located between Sn and S1 (T1)-states. On the separate stages the relaxation of excitation will be represented by the equilibrium process, and on others - nonequilibrium. Inasmuch as the states with transfer of an electron between the matrix and the dye molecule and also the dissociative state, specific for the given molecule, can lie between Sn and S1-states, the short-term localization of excitation on these high-excited states will serve as the reason of the molecule dissociation or photoconductivity of the sample. The relationship of probabilities of the capture of excitation into these states and probability of the relaxation into S1 (T1)-state is the internal property of the molecule and does not depend on energy of the molecule excitation. It is shown, that the basic mechanism of photoconductivity is the generation of holes in the matrix. Photodissociation of the dye molecules is the consequence of capture of an electron by the antibinding σ*-ÌÎ, localizated mainly on the dissociating bond. The dissociative state is T (σσ*)-state for the resazurin molecule and T (πσ*)-state for the methylene blue. Excitation of the molecule into the dissociative state is possible both in one-quantum, and in double-quantum process.
I.F. Muronyuk, B.K. Ostafiychuk, V.D. Fedoriv, V.I. Mandzyuk, V.Î. Kotsyubynsky,
R.V. Ilnytsky, V.V. Moklyak, V.L. Chelyadyn
The Structure and Electrochemical Properties of Nanodispersed
Iron-Containing Titania
Precarpathion National University named after V. Stefanyk, 57, Shevchenko Str., Ivano-Frankivsk, 76025,
e-mail:myrif@rambler.ru , phone: +(0342) 59-60-29
The complex research of the process of electrochemical intercalation lithium ion into cathode material on the basis of nanocomposite compound Ò³Î2 <Fe> oxide is conducted by the methods of Mossbauer spectroscopy, X-ray diffractometry, and impedance spectroscopy. We found out that the interact of cathode material with electrolyte (LiBF4 in γ-butirolactone) results in the anisotropic ordering of dipole moments of nanocomposite particles. The intercalation of lithium ions into Ò³Î2 <Fe> nanosystem results in the reduction of the three-valency iron ions to the two-valency state. The isothermal annealing of nanocomposite Ò³Î2 <Fe> at the temperature interval 200-360 ºÑ does not change magnetic microstructure and is accompanied by the dehydratation of material. The annealing of oxide material at the temperature of more than 650 ºÑ stipulates the formation of the three-phase system that contains rutile, pseudobrookite Fe2TiO5 , and monoclinic TiO2. For the first time we discovered that the presence of iron ions in the structure of anatase and rutile stimulates the formation of the monoclinic phase of titania at annealing. For non-annealing material, the lithium intercalation into nanocomposite is carried out by means of diffusive mechanism. First, after high temperature annealing, Lithium is adsorbed on the surface of nanocrystallines to x ~ 0.5, and then, after the noted limit, it diffuses in material Lix (Ò³Î2 <Fe>).
Keywords: titania, iron-containing titania, pseudobrookite, Mossbauer spectroscopy, impedance spectroscopy, electrochemical intercalation.
V.V. Boryk, V.M. Bojchuk
Crystal Chemistry of Points Defects in an Alloying Magnesium of Lead Telluride PbTe:Mn
Physical-Chemistry Institute of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University,
201, Galytska Str.,
Ivano-Frankivsk, 76000, Ukraine
The crystal-quasichemical formulas for the mechanisms substituting for Magnesium Lead, taking root in the tetrahedral cavities of the dense packing of atoms of Tellurium, and also replacement of Magnesium Lead with his subsequent passing to internode of basic matrix. On the basis of comparison of results of calculations and experiment a conclusion is done about the dominant defects of points.
L.Y. Meyhzlovska, H.Ya. Babushchak
The Subsystem of Defects and Physical-Chemical Properties Selenid of Zinc
Physical-Chemical Institute at the ‘Vasiliy Stefanyk’ Precarpathian National University,
201, Galytska Str.,
Ivano-Frankivsk, 76000, Ukraine, E-mail:freik@pu.if.ua
The crystal-quasichemical formulas of nonstoichiometry n- and p-ZnS are proposed on condition of existence the complex defects subsystem at the Shotki-Frenkel scheme. The dependences concentration of defects and Hall concentration of carrier were calculated from the degree of nonstoichiometry and disproportion of point defects.
D.M. Freik, O.V. Tkachyk
Crystal Chemistry of Points Defects in Solid Solutions of the System of PbSe-Bi2Se3
Physical-Chemical Institute at the ‘Vasiliy Stefanyk’ Precarpathian National University,
201, Galytska Str.,
Ivano-Frankivsk, 76000, Ukraine, E-mail:freik@pu.if.ua
The crystal-quasichemical formulas for solid solutions of the system of PbSe-Bi2Se3 on the basis of lead selenide n- and p-type are proposed. The case of saving stoichiometry is considered in an alloying cluster after Bismuth and by Selenium. On the basis of analysis results of calculations and experiment conclusions are done about physical and chemical nature and mechanisms of formation of solid solutions.
H.O. Sirenko, Î.². Fedoryshyn
The Influence of the Last Temperature Treats of the Carbon Fibers on the Stage of Carbonization of 1473-1623 K on the Gas Distinguished in the High Vacuum
Vasyl Stefanyk’ Precarpathian National University,
57, Shevchenko Str., Ivano-Frankivsk, 76000, Ukraine
It is shown the results of the mass-spectrum research. The analysis change balance of CO/CO2 from the temperature of the investigation for the last temperature treats of 1473 and 1623 K. The research that the influence of the last temperature treat from 1473 to 1623 K on the gas distinguished by the mass of 2, 12, 28 and 44 from the carbon fibers by the hydrocellulose is not considerable.
O. Kurta2, V. Lutsiv1, S. Kurta1
Quantitative Determination of Methyl ÑH3-Groups on Modified Silica Surface by IR-Spectroscopy
1Precarpathian national university named after V. Stefanyk57, Shevchenko str., 76000, Ivano-Frankivsk
2National university «Lvivska Polytechnika» 8, Bandery Str., 79000, Lviv
The quantitative determination of ÑH3-groups by IR-spectroscopy method for different industrial types of pyrogenic silica modified by methylchlorosilanes has been carried out. In the freim of experiment the influences of specific surface of pyrogenic silica on result of experiment was determined.
Keywords: pyrogenic silica, methylchlorosilanes, methyl groups, IR-spectroscopy.
B.L. Litvin, A.S. Fedoriv, V.S .Kurganskiy, D.Y. Bruskova
Synthesis and Research of Oxyleaded of Amine Contain Derivative of Phosphoric Acid as Components of Technological Coolants
‘Vasyl Stefanyk’ Prycarpathian National University, 57, Shevchenka Str., Ivano - Francivsk
Physical and chemical properties of oxyleaded of amine contain of phosphoric acid are synthesized and investigated with the purpose of providing the possibility of their subsequent introduction as the components of lubricating - cooling liquids (LCL). The properties of the synthesized products are studied, namely, their attitude toward industrial and emulsify oils, solubility in water, their foaming capacity, corrosive aggressiveness. oxyleaded of amine contain derivative of phosphoric acid dissolve well in water, are combined with emulsify oils and practically are not combined with industrial oils. They have very low firmness of foam, that allows to exclude them from the composition of LCL, in which synthesized products, antifoam additives can be used in addition they can be used as basis of technological coolant (TC).
I.L. Shabalin1, M.V. Luñhka2, L.I. Shabalin3
Vacuum SHS in systems with group IV transition metals
for production of ceramic compositions
1Institute for Materials Research, The University of Salford, Greater Manchester, M5 4WT, UK
2Francevich Institute for Problem of Materials Sience NAS Ukraine, Kyiv, 03142, Ukraine
3Russian State Professional & Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg, 620012, Russia
The products of vacuum version of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) in the systems of group 4 transition metals (titanium, zirconium, hafnium) with non-metals (carbon, boron, silicon) were explored by means of chemical, densitometric, microscopic and XRD analyses. The consideration of results for SHS with more active carbon component confirmed that the metal carbidization reaction controls the SHS processing in a whole. The appearance of molten quasi-eutectic alloy induces reactions described in details by the series of equations, which proposed in the similar studies firstly. The detail analysis of SHS processing in the ternary Me-X1-X2 (Me = Ti, Zr-X1, X2 = C, B, Si) systems allows to spread the Korchagin-Aleksandrov-Gusenko mechanism for the combustion synthesis in those systems. Being more effective and accessible than other versions the vacuum SHS can provide the fabrication of the ceramic-ceramic composite precursors based on the oxygen-free refractory compounds of group 4 transition metals in the wide range of component contents.
Keywords: SHS; Milling; Borides; Carbides; Silicides.
H.A. Sirenko, N.I. Lutsyshyn
Antifriction Properties of Metallic Surfaces at Painting of Perfluorpolyethers, Complexes of Metals Inter by Hard Microparticles
Vasyl Stefanyk’ Precarpathian National University,
57, Shevchenko Str., Ivano-Frankivsk, 76000, Ukraine
The methods of determination of antifriction properties of lubricating compositions are considered on the basis of perfluorpolyethers metals inter by complexes at the contact of surfaces of solids.
Yu.I. Paraiko
Research of Mechanism Self-Organization of Creation of Surface Layers at the Friction of Sliding Compositions of Materials
Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas,
15, Carpatska Str., Ivano-Frankivsk, 76000, Ukraine,
In work advantages of the use of materials of compositions are pointed in the knots of sliding friction. Experimental researches of structures are executed and will make the surfaces of friction of composition material from the particles of carbide of tungsten and alloy of copula of manganese nickel silver (60 % Cu + 20 % Ni + 20 %Mn) allowed to set that the mechanism of friction of sliding of similar materials consists in education, plasticization of maximum layers, chemical composition of which depends on corrosive activity of environment similar point-friction work in which. A low coefficient friction and high endurance at a friction in oil is explained the specific small hole structure of surface of friction. The thickness of layers which appear does not exceed 5 mkm.
P.I. Melnyk, I.Ya. Petryk
Role of Polymorphic Transformations in Metals in the Process of Their Chemical-Termal Treatment
Precarpathion National University named after V. Stefanyk,
Shevchenko Str.,57, Ivano-Frankivsk, 76000,
e-mail:ivan.petryk@rambler.ru, phone: (03422) 59-60-75
It is shown on the examples of diffusive satiation of iron and his alloys by different elements in different temperature conditions, that its chemical-termal treatment provides natural polymorphic α ↔ γ transformation of iron.
S.P. Novosyadlyy, R.M. Ivanyuk
Investigation ³ and Design of Thermal Processes is in Powerful IS
‘Vasyl Stefanyk’ Prekarpathian National University
201, Galytska Str., Ivano-Frankivsk, 76000, Ukraine,
The thermal design of processes in the structure of the integrated schemes is actual task at the increasing of the degree of integration of IS. The correct design of the electrical topological and thermal schemes with the next processes of verification promotes the quality of topology on an order, especially in the extreme condition of the work of IS.
V.V. Lahetko
Philosophical Principle of Continuity of the Development and its Specific on Level of the Chemical Form of Movement of the Matter
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian University,Chair of philosophy, the T.Schevchenka Str, 57,
76025 Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine; 59-60-15, E-mail:kf@pu.if.ua
Proceeding from the assumption of spontaneous development of the nature, using the Aristotel’s theoretical proposition about continuity of the development because of the intermediate links between the oppositions, which compose the world; the specific of elicitation of the intermediate links on level of a chemical form of movement of the matter is shown; just the amphoterism is the elicitation of this specific in case of some elements of the main subgroup of third group of the periodic system of elements of D.I. Mendeleev.